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How Paul makes wooden frames: Thumbnail the Chop-Pt 2

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame


 Place 2 "legs" into the thumbnailer, rabbit side up.



Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame

Turn the knob till pressure holds them in place.

Turn the dial on the back to the correct "depth".
 (This size wood takes a 2)

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame
Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame Notice there's a blade inside the plastic cylinder.

Use the handle at the back to place the blade at the center of the angled part of the "leg".
That will set the "position".


Keep the same Position and depth
for all the legs of the frame !!!!!!!!!!
Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame

Put the vacuum hose on the tube coming from the thumbnailer.


Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame Turn on the thumbnailer switch.
Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame

Pull the handle both toward you, then away from you to make the notches.

Tutorial; Cut, Thumbnail and glue a frame

It is wise to hold the 2 "legs" with your left hand so they don't move.

Loosen the knob. Turn the "legs" end for end and repeat.

 Do 2 pair.


Go to Gluing the Frame-Part 3